
Say Goodbye To Your Country
(And To Your People)
No European who has given much thought to the various pronouncements of
their leading politicians over the past few years, and to the laws that
they have actually passed, can now be in any doubt that their intention is
to break down European nations so that all the peoples therein can be
packed together inside one political state in order to be governed, and
dominated, by one ruling elite.
The same is happening in America but, perhaps, less obviously so.
North America and South America are gradually being
Generally speaking, however, North America and South America are
gradually being merged; with politicians turning a blind eye to - and in
many cases encouraging - illegal immigration from the South to the North.
The ultimate aim is one world government - something that will almost
certainly lead to wholesale misery right across the planet (e.g. see
One World Government) - assuming,
of course, that the peoples residing on this planet actually survive the
enormous number of attacks on them that is likely to materialise from
various disaffected sources; e.g. see
Eight Horrible Facts.
In order to achieve this goal of smashing up the borders of our nations,
almost no stone has been left unturned in the quest to undermine and
destabilise the social, economic and politic fabrics of the indigenous
Their families, their educational systems, their communities,
their religions and, indeed, their very identities have gradually been
broken down - mostly by those who seek to profit from the resulting
In this piece, I shall identify some of the various groups that
are seeking to destroy our nations.
And, with much sadness, I have also to say that it is most probably too
late to stop them from achieving their aims.
1. Politicians and Government Bureaucrats
As I have often pointed out - e.g. in my piece entitled
Why Governments Love Feminism
- those in the governing classes who rule over us
profit themselves hugely by destabilising and breaking apart the close
relationships that people might have with each other.
And breaking down national borders to promote excessive immigration is
one very good way for them to do this.
(Indeed, the governing classes are forever promoting and provoking
uncertainty, insecurity and turmoil within their own populations
because doing so allows them to suck more and more power - and,
more money - away from their peoples and to place it into their own
e.g. see
Why Governments Love Feminism.)
Furthermore, with a view to enhancing their own career prospects, their
own wealth, their own powers and their own status, thousands of those in
the governing classes seek to promote various supra-national bodies
because by doing so they can see themselves eventually being elevated to
positions of power and privilege that stand above even those that can be
obtained from within the topmost layers of their own national governments.
For example, being the Chief of Police in the UK is not nearly as grand
- or as well paid - as is being the Chief of Police across the whole of
Being the Minister of Trade in Denmark is a much lower position than is
being the Minister of Trade for the whole of Europe.
And, of course, with much more wealth and power comes a whole package
of further benefits.
Bigger expense accounts. Bigger pensions. Longer and
more lavish holidays.
Better health care. Better hotels. Better food. Better education
for one's offspring. Bigger expense accounts. Bigger pensions. Longer and
more lavish holidays. More luxurious transport. Higher life expectancy. Grander living
accommodation. More property ownership. More staff. More servants. And
more people sucking up to you.
In essence, a huge amount of power.
Indeed, those who are already high up the career ladders within their
own national governments are forever being bribed into supporting supra-national government
by those who are already inside it - with what seems to be an endless
supply of money - and if they fail to take the bait then their careers are
going no further.
2. Corporations and Businesses
Large corporations and businesses have always had a vested interest in
destroying their smaller competitors. And one mechanism by which they can
do this is to support laws and policies which smother their smaller
competitors with mountains of regulations, red tape and various extra
financial responsibilities - burdens that
they, themselves, can easily afford to deal with.
This is one of the main reasons why they have often supported the
In recent years, however, they have also pursued more vigorously their
desire to reduce the various impediments that they need to face when
operating in different countries.
Having to deal with different laws, different regulations, different
standards of ethics, different local planning regimes, different tastes,
different accounting practices and different currencies has always
involved huge expense - in terms of time, money, complexity etc.
And so large corporations and businesses can increase their profits
quite substantially by getting politicians to stitch different nations
together in order to form fewer countries.
And, collectively, they will hand over millions of dollars and provide
enormous support to those politicians who will pursue this goal.
3. The Banks and Financial Institutions
While, on the surface, it might seem that there no strong grounds for
the large banks and financial institutions to promote the breaking down of
nations - after all, they benefit from currency exchange deals,
fluctuations in currency values etc - the fact of the matter is that,
currently, they are mostly in the same position as are the large
corporations and businesses.
For example, they too wish to defeat the competition from the smaller
banks of other nations so that they can eventually reign supreme over as
large a surface area of the globe as they can.
Of course, they will not necessarily obliterate all their competitors.
They will mostly attempt to absorb them and so turn them into subdivisions of their own
those in the higher echelons will - just like their
counterparts in government - rise to even higher levels
And so those in the higher echelons of the financial world will - just like their
counterparts in government - eventually rise to even higher levels of splendour,
money and
power than they could otherwise do.
Indeed, there has already formed an enormously powerful governing elite
- consisting of hundreds of thousands of people - for whom nations,
cultures and histories have no significance or value.
Their homes are wherever they feel like living at any point in time.
Their loyalties are to each other. And their wealth and their power always
allow them to escape from any unpleasant circumstances that might arise
hither and thither.
They are international travellers for whom the cost of jetting from one
location to another is utterly trivial.
And they also have very powerful friends.
In the past, it was the aristocracy - the kings and queens, the barons,
the earls and so on - who formed alliances with each other - through
treaties and through marriage - in order to keep themselves and their own
families in wealth and in power over everyone else.
And, basically, this aristocracy - into which people were elevated
either through birth or marriage - has gradually and largely been
superceded by a different group of people; senior bankers,
corporate executives, high-ranking government bureaucrats etc.
But their principles operate in a similar manner.
Nowadays, however, the scope of their grandeur is much greater.
They want to rule the world.
And when they do - which they probably will - you will do as you are told to do
- for there will be no place to where you can escape, there will be no
where you can hide, and there will be no-one living outside of their rule
who can help you.
And so in order to get anywhere, or to be safe, you will always need to
beg, to bow and to scrape before those who lord over you from within.
And those lesser mortals who actually work within the bodies that rule over us will be
subjected to even closer scrutiny, and to even stricter rules, than will those
who do not - for the more that they know, the more dangerous, potentially, will they
forever be perceived to be.
So, essentially, life for everyone will be more miserable - except,
perhaps, for the very thin layer of people who sit right at the very top
of the tree.
we are well on the path to one big planetary-wide
communist state
In other words, we are well on the path to becoming one big planetary-wide communist
And we all know from our history books what truly horrific consequences
arise from communism.
4. The Political Left
The political Left has gradually grown in power throughout the western
world in the past few decades by, essentially, employing its tactic of
impoverishing huge numbers of people in order to put them in a position
wherein they need to rely on the state (i.e. on the Left) for various
legal and financial handouts - handouts that the Left then promises will
be forthcoming.
In America, for example, 60% of the population now take out more from
the government pot than they ever put into it.
And the more does this population grow, the more impossible it is to
dethrone the Left - which is, of course, why the Left 'encourages' people
depend on
welfare - basically, by messing up their lives, and by making it virtually impossible for them to stand on their
own two feet.
Indeed, for millions of poorer women with children, the taxpayer handouts are nowadays
simply, and demonstrably, designed to discourage them from saving,
marrying or working. Do any of these things, and they are immediately
punished by having their welfare cheques reduced.
But a further major consequence of undermining the capacity and the
incentives for people to engage in productive work is that a country needs
to import numerous immigrants to undertake various jobs that need to be
the Left benefits whether the immigrants are productive
or disruptive
And when it comes to immigration, the Left benefits whether the
immigrants are productive or disruptive.
If the immigrants are productive then the Left can extract tax dollars
from them. If they are disruptive, then the Left can justify increasing
the tax rates in order to deal with the extra problems.
Either way, the Left benefits from immigration, which is why it is
forever promoting it.
Indeed, government workers as a whole benefit hugely from immigration.
And they know it.
Furthermore, it is important to understand that the Left is well aware
that most of its popular support arising from the ballot box comes from those people who need
government to help them with their problems, and so the Left will always
attempt to create as many problems for as many people as possible - which
is just one of the reasons why the Left will persistently promote the importation of immigrants who
are likely to cause problems and which is why, to put icing on the cake, the
Left is forever attempting to stir up racial tensions - with one UK Labour
Phil Woolas, finally being prosecuted for doing this.
5. Certain Muslim and Jewish Groups
There are many Muslims who promote immigration of their own kith and
kin into western countries as part of their jihad to conquer the west and
to turn it into one huge Islamic state.
They are aided and abetted in this goal by the Left - for whom societal
fragmentation is a boon - and also by many of those in the governing elite
- such as Tony Blair - who are given good financial rewards to promote
their Islamic religion by oil-rich nations in the Middle East - such as
Saudi Arabia.
Furthermore, of course, the standard of living in the west is much
higher than in many other countries and so, understandably, hundreds of
millions of people would like to emigrate to the west.
On the Jewish side, there appear to be three main groups that seem to
be heavily involved in breaking down the borders of our nations.
I cannot tell you very much about these groups because I have not investigated
them very closely, but I can assure my readers that they do exist.
white, Christian, heterosexual males will forever
be a threat to them
a. These Jewish groups believe that white, Christian, heterosexual
males will forever be a threat to them - presumably as a result of the
Nazi legacy and, indeed, much of history - and they believe that by
undermining their unity, their countries and their religion, they will be
able to reduce the likelihood that they will ever again be able to exert
the mighty force that they once possessed.
They can often be seen lobbying quite openly in Brussels; the
headquarters of the unknown and unelected bureaucrats who are doing their
very best to take control over all European nations.
Indeed, with my own eyes, I have seen members of such groups boasting
about the fact that Jews are taking the lead when it comes to breaking
down our nations and, further, that they must prepare themselves for some
blowback; i.e. a rise in anti-Semitism.
b. Jews in Israel have been having a terrible time over the past six
decades as a result of the Palestinian problem. In the eyes of many of
them, the west has just not been supportive enough in their time of need.
For many of these Jews, encouraging Muslim immigration into the west
and, thence, stirring up racial tensions between the Muslim immigrants and
the indigenous populations is one tactic that they believe could help them
to rally support against their foes in the Middle East.
And, indeed, there does also appear to be some evidence to suggest that some
American Jewish organisations are actually financing right-wing European
nationalist groups with the specific intention of creating hostility
towards Muslims.
c. Believe it or not, there are some powerful Jewish religious leaders
who still believe that all non-Jews are no better than vermin.
They are mostly disregarded by the majority of Jews but, nevertheless, they do
exist. And for many Jews, these are the religious authorities that they
listen to.
Their hope is to destroy western civilisation by any means that they
How much influence all these anti-western Jewish groups exert, I do not
really know. But given that many Jews are highly influential in the west -
e.g. via the media, through Hollywood, government, banking, law etc etc -
it is quite hard to see how these groups could not be exerting significant
Of course, I should also point out that most Jews probably have little
idea about what some of their fellows are up to. And over here in Europe,
the influx of millions of Muslims is clearly not something that most Jews
are likely to welcome.
But, just like the rest of us, they have malicious, self-serving groups
among them that are determined to stir up various forms of disharmony in
order to further their ideological goals and to profit themselves by doing
6. Feminists
Feminism is probably one of the most wicked ideologies imaginable.
Even Margaret Thatcher described it as 'poison'.
Even Margaret Thatcher described it as 'poison'.
She did not just dislike feminism, she loathed it.
With much good reason.
And 'poison' is, indeed, one of the most appropriate words with which
to describe it, in my view - though I, myself, prefer to see it as a
pathogenic virus that is regularly unleashed on to the population by those
who promote it.
Essentially, the disease of feminism manifests itself at the personal
level by invading and
then destroying and/or damaging any
close relationships that people might have with each other.
Whether it is the father and his child, the wife and her husband,
the teacher and her pupil, the doctor and his patient, the prostitute and
her client, the professor and his student, the employer and his employee;
you will find feminists forever frantically trying to sour, damage or
destroy their close relationships.
(Which is why, of course, the Left loves feminism. Remember; the Left
thrives by damaging, and by making insecure, people's relationships.)
Almost every relationship is 'abusive' in the eyes of feminists unless
it accords strictly with their own view of the world - a world wherein,
basically, all men should be treated like scum, all women should be
treated like princesses, and all children should be
regarded as a burden.
And one of the main effects of this disease is that groups, cultures or
nations that succumb to it are doomed to extinguish themselves.
They have absolutely no hope of surviving into the future.
And what they and their forefathers have created, built or fought for -
even died for - will simply be inherited by others - others whose
relationships are strong enough and close enough to maintain or grow their
feminism is actually destroying the indigenous
populations of European descent
Indeed, feminism is actually destroying the indigenous populations of
European descent throughout the western world.
Their falling birth rates are now so catastrophically low that in some
two of three generations time they will become minorities in their own
And in one hundred years time, all of them combined (in North America,
Europe, Canada, Australia etc) will constitute less than 1% of the Earth's human
And so it is that even if all immigration is stopped tomorrow - or even
reversed - our nations will gradually cease to have any relevance before
they finally disappear.
But, of course, immigration is not going to be stopped tomorrow.
And so in a few years time one can expect to see a huge amount
of trouble and turmoil arising throughout Europe as the indigenous populations finally begin to
resist the pressures on them to conform to the dictates of their
rulers, and as they fight to prevent their homelands from being taken over
by people from strange cultures.
And perhaps some of the most treacherous beings whom we see so often on
our screens today are those politicians and government officials who both
welcome and encourage excessive immigration while, at the very same time, they
promote feminist-inspired views, policies and laws that they know are
going to extinguish their very own people.
How much lower can they sink?
These people are surely the ultimate betrayers not only of us, but also
of all our ancestors, whose toil, sweat and sacrifice over centuries built
up everything that we have.